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product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-42

Kombuis mengkraan

What is This >  produkte >  Kombuis mengkraan

mat swart SUS304 vlekvrye staal Warm en Koue gansnek enkelhefboom Mengkraan Uittrek wasbak Kombuis Kraan Mengkraan

Produk Beskrywing

Produk Beskrywing
Produk se naam
S.S304 Kitchen mixer tap
S.S304 body
35 mm keramiekpatroon
S.S304 Buigsame slang
Mat swart afwerking
Kraan gewig
1 Stel
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-55
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-56
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-57
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-58
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-59
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-60
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-61
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-62
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-63
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-64
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-65
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-66
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-67
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-68
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-69
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-70
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-71
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-72
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-73
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-74
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-75
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-76
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-77
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-78
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-79
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-80
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-81
Besigheids Profiel
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-82
Mingkang is geleë in die Oos-Chinese See, Jiaojiang Area, Taizhou, Zhejiang, China en gestig in 1998, wat een van die voorste uitvoerders vir sanitêre ware produkte is. Ons spesialiseer in die maak en verkoop van verskeie krane soos waterval, blootgestelde en versteekte termostatiese bad en stort kraan, stortkolomme, wasbakkrane en kombuiskrane met volle produksielyn insluitend Gravity Casting Line, Machining Line, Polishing Line en Assembling line.Mingkang kan die goeie kwaliteit produkte aan die mark verskaf. Meer as 20 jaar hard werk, ons het die goeie reputasie op die mark, soos Duitsland, Frankryk, Pole, Spanje, Italië, Nederland, Griekeland, ens. Ons missie is om die beste diens aan ons kliënte te lewer en te konsentreer op die bou van 'n langtermyn vennootskap met ons kliënte wat ons daartoe lei om 'n wen-wen situasie. Ons is daartoe verbind om ons kliënte as die eerste prioriteit te stel deur produkte van hoë gehalte, integriteit, eerlikheid en aanspreeklikheid in ons wêreldwye besigheid te verskaf. Ons verwelkom sakevennote om saam met ons te kom vir wedersydse voordeel!
Wys Kamer
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-83
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-84
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-85
Produksie proses
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-86
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-87
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-88
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-89
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-90
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-91
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-92
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-93
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-94
Toegerus met gevorderde masjiene en fasiliteite, soos swaartekrag-gietmasjiene, laedruk-gietmasjiene en ingevoerde CNC-bewerkingsentrums, het Mingkang professionele produksielyne met masjiene en handtoesig opgestel. Mingkang werk deur gestandaardiseerde produksiebestuur, wetenskaplike industriële vloeidiagram en streng gehaltebeheer in elke prosedure, en is gespesialiseerd in die vervaardiging van elke stuk premium kwaliteit produkte.
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-95
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-96
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-97
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-98
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-99
Mingkang-produkte is gesertifiseer om aan wêreldwye sertifiserings soos ACS, DVGW, KTW, WRAS te voldoen.
Verpakking en aflewering
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-100
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-101
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-102
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-103
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-104
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-105
Om die veiligheid van u goedere beter te verseker, word professionele, omgewingsvriendelike, gerieflike en doeltreffende verpakkingsdienste gelewer.
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-106
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-107
Q1. Toets jy al jou goedere voor aflewering? A: Ja, ons het 'n kwaliteitsbeheerstelsel om seker te maak dat produkte perfek afgelewer word. V2. Hoe kan u 'n langdurige en goeie verhouding met ons besigheid maak? A:1. Ons internasionale ontwerpspan hou aan om ontwerpe op te dateer om die hele mark te lei. 2. Ons hou goeie gehalte, en mededingende prys om te verseker dat ons kliënte voordeel trek Q3. Wat is die leestyd? A: Gewoonlik is dit 10-30 dae na deposito, afhangende van u bestelhoeveelheid. V4. Het u fabriek die ontwerp- en ontwikkelingsvermoëns, ons benodig die pasgemaakte produkte? Die personeel in ons R&D-afdeling is goed ervare in die kraanbedryf, met meer as 5 tot 10 jaar ondervinding. Elke jaar sal ons 2 tot 3 nuwe reekse bekendstel om kliënte in 'n mededingende stadium uit te hou. Ons kan pasgemaakte produkte spesiaal vir jou maak; kontak ons ​​asseblief vir meer besonderhede. V5.Kan jou fabriek die lae-lood kraan vervaardig? A: Ja, ons kan ook die kraan met lae lood vervaardig volgens u vereiste loodinhoud. V6. Hoe gaan dit met kliënte gesegmenteer? A: Kettingwinkels, 50%; groothandelaars, 20%; vervaardigers, 20%; konstruksieverskaffers, 10%. V7. Hoe gaan dit met Huidige markverspreiding A: Europa, 70%; Asië-Stille Oseaan, 15%; Noord-Amerika, 10%; diverse, 5%. V8.Hoe is jou fabrieksproduksievermoë? A:Mingkang-fabriek het 'n volledige produksielyn, insluitend Gravity-gietlyn, bewerkingslyn, poleerlyn en samestellingslyn. Ons kan produkte tot 3000 stuks per week vervaardig. As jy belangstel in ons produkte, kontak ons ​​asseblief vir verdere inligting sonder om te huiwer. Ons sal jou antwoord sodra ons jou navraag ontvang. Mingkang Op soek na u samewerking.
Kontak Ons

Ons vriendelike span sal graag van jou wil hoor!

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