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product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-42

Køkken blandingsbatteri

Hjem >  Produkter >  Køkken blandingsbatteri

China Factory SUS304 rustfrit stål Moderne dækmonteret Pull Down Spring Varm og Kold Køkkenvask Hane Danmark

Produkt beskrivelse

Produkt beskrivelse
S.S304 Køkken blandingsbatteri
S.S304 krop
35 mm keramisk patron
S.S304 Fleksibel slange
Matt sort finish
Vandhane Vægt
1 Set
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-55
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-56
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-57
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-58
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-59
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-60
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-61
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-62
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-63
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-64
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-65
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-66
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-67
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-68
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-69
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-70
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-71
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-72
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-73
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-74
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-75
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-76
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-77
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-78
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-79
Firma profil
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-80
Mingkang er beliggende i det østkinesiske hav, Jiaojiang-området, Taizhou, Zhejiang, Kina og etableret i 1998, som er en af ​​de førende eksportører af sanitetsprodukter, vi er specialiserede i fremstilling og salg af forskellige vandhaner såsom vandfald, synlige og skjulte termostatiske bad og bruser vandhane, brusesøjler, håndvaskhaner og køkkenhaner med fuld produktionslinje inklusive Gravity Casting Line, Machining Line, Polishing Line og Assembling line.Mingkang kan levere produkter af god kvalitet til markedet. Mere end 20 år hårdt arbejde, vi har fået det gode omdømme på markedet, såsom Tyskland, Frankrig, Polen, Spanien, Italien, Holland, Grækenland osv. Vores mission er at yde den bedste service til vores kunder og koncentrere os om at opbygge et langsigtet partnerskab med vores kunder, hvilket fører os til at skabe en win-win situation. Vi er forpligtet til at sætte vores kunder som førsteprioritet ved at levere produkter af høj kvalitet, integritet, ærlighed og ansvarlighed i vores verdensomspændende forretning. Vi byder forretningspartnere velkommen til at komme med os til gensidig fordel!
Vis Room
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-81
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-82
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-83
Produktions proces
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-84
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-85
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-86
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-87
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-88
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-89
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-90
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-91
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-92
Udstyret med avancerede maskiner og faciliteter, såsom gravitationsstøbemaskiner, lavtryksstøbemaskiner og importerede CNC-bearbejdningscentre, har Mingkang oprettet professionelle produktionslinjer med maskiner og manuel overvågning. Mingkang, der opererer ved standardiseret produktionsstyring, videnskabeligt industrielt flowchart og streng kvalitetskontrol i hver procedure, har været specialiseret i at producere hvert stykke premium kvalitetsprodukter.
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-93
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-94
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-95
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-96
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-97
Mingkang-produkter er blevet certificeret til at overholde verdensomspændende certificeringer såsom ACS, DVGW, KTW, WRAS.
Pakning og levering
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-98
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-99
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-100
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-101
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-102
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-103
For bedre at sikre sikkerheden af ​​dine varer vil der blive leveret professionelle, miljøvenlige, bekvemme og effektive emballeringstjenester.
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-104
product china factory  sus304  stainless steel contemporary deck mounted pull down spring   hot and cold   kitchen sink faucet-105
Q1. Tester du alle dine varer før levering? A: Ja, vi har kvalitetskontrolsystem for at sikre, at produkterne leveres perfekt. Q2. Hvordan gør du vores forretning langsigtet og god relation? A:1. Vores internationale designteam bliver ved med at opdatere designs for at føre hele markedet. 2. Vi holder god kvalitet og konkurrencedygtig pris for at sikre vores kunder fordel Q3. Hvad er leveringstiden? A: Normalt er 10-30 dage efter indbetaling afhængigt af din ordremængde. Q4. Har din fabrik design- og udviklingsmulighederne, har vi brug for de tilpassede produkter? Personalet i vores R&D-afdeling er godt erfarne i vandhaneindustrien med mere end 5 til 10 års erfaring. Hvert år vil vi lancere 2 til 3 nye serier for at holde kunderne ude i en konkurrencedygtig fase. Vi kan lave skræddersyede produkter specielt til dig; kontakt os venligst for flere detaljer. Q5. Kan din fabrik producere lav-bly vandhanen? A: Ja, vi kan også producere lav-bly vandhanen i henhold til dit krav om blyindhold. Q6. Hvad med kunder segmenteret? A: Kædebutikker, 50%; grossister, 20%; producenter, 20%; byggeudbydere, 10 pct. Q7.Hvad med Nuværende markedsfordeling A: Europa, 70 %; Asien-Stillehavsområdet, 15%; Nordamerika, 10%; diverse, 5%. Q8.Hvordan er din fabriksproduktionskapacitet? A: Mingkang-fabrikken har en komplet produktionslinje inklusive Gravity Casting Line, Machining Line, Polering Line og Assembling Line. Vi kan fremstille produkter op til 3000 stk. pr. uge. Hvis du er interesseret i vores produkter, bedes du kontakte os for yderligere information uden tøven. Vi svarer dig, så snart vi modtager din henvendelse. Mingkang ser forword til dit samarbejde.
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