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product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-42

Köögi segisti kraan

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mattmust SUS304 roostevabast terasest kuuma ja külma hanekelaga ühe hoovaga segisti kraan Väljatõmmatav kraanikauss Köögisegisti segisti kraan


Toote nimi
S.S304 Köögisegisti kraan
S.S304 kere
35 mm keraamiline kassett
S.S304 Painduv voolik
Matt must viimistlus
Segisti kaal
1 Set
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-55
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-56
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-57
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-58
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-59
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-60
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-61
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-62
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-63
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-64
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-65
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-66
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-67
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-68
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-69
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-70
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-71
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-72
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-73
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-74
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-75
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-76
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-77
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-78
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-79
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-80
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-81
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-82
Mingkang asub Ida-Hiina meres, Jiaojiangi piirkonnas, Taizhous, Zhejiangis, Hiinas ja asutati 1998. aastal, mis on üks juhtivaid sanitaartehnikatoodete eksportijaid. Oleme spetsialiseerunud mitmesuguste segistite valmistamisele ja müügile, nagu kosk, katmata ja varjatud termostaatvann ja dušš. segisti, duši sambad, kraanikaussi kraanid ja köögikraanid täis tootmisliiniga, sealhulgas gravitatsioonivalu liin, töötlusliin, poleerimisliin ja montaažiliin. Mingkang suudab turule tarnida kvaliteetseid tooteid. Rohkem kui 20 aastat rasket tööd oleme saanud head maine turul, nagu Saksamaa, Prantsusmaa, Poola, Hispaania, Itaalia, Holland, Kreeka jne. Meie missiooniks on pakkuda oma klientidele parimat teenust ja keskenduda oma klientidega pikaajalise partnerluse loomisele, mis viib meid win-win olukord. Oleme pühendunud sellele, et seada oma kliendid esikohale, pakkudes oma ülemaailmses äris kvaliteetseid tooteid, ausust, ausust ja vastutust. Ootame äripartnereid meiega kaasa tulema, et saada vastastikust kasu!
Show Room
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-83
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-84
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-85
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-86
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-87
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-88
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-89
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-90
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-91
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-92
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-93
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-94
Täiustatud masinate ja rajatistega, nagu gravitatsioonivalumasinad, madalsurvevalumasinad ja imporditud CNC-töötluskeskused, on Mingkang loonud professionaalsed tootmisliinid koos masinate ja käsitsi järelevalvega. Kasutades standardiseeritud tootmisjuhtimist, teaduslikku tööstuslikku vooskeemi ja ranget kvaliteedikontrolli iga protseduuri puhul, on Mingkang spetsialiseerunud iga esmaklassilise kvaliteediga toodete valmistamisele.
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-95
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-96
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-97
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-98
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-99
Mingkangi tooted on sertifitseeritud vastama ülemaailmsetele sertifikaatidele, nagu ACS, DVGW, KTW, WRAS.
Pakkimine ja kohaletoimetamine
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-100
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-101
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-102
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-103
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-104
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-105
Oma kaupade ohutuse paremaks tagamiseks pakutakse professionaalseid, keskkonnasõbralikke, mugavaid ja tõhusaid pakendamisteenuseid.
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-106
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-107
Q1 Kas testid kõik oma kaubad enne kohaletoimetamist? V: Jah, meil on kvaliteedikontrollisüsteem, et tagada toodete täiuslikkus. Q2. Kuidas muudate meie äri pikaajaliseks ja heaks suhteks? A:1. Meie rahvusvaheline disainimeeskond ajakohastab pidevalt disainilahendusi, et kogu turgu juhtida. 2. Hoiame head kvaliteeti ja konkurentsivõimelist hinda, et tagada klientidele kasu Q3. Mis on aeg? V: Tavaliselt on see 10-30 päeva pärast sissemakset, sõltuvalt teie tellimuse kogusest. Q4. Kas teie tehasel on projekteerimis- ja arendusvõimalused, vajame kohandatud tooteid? Meie teadus- ja arendusosakonna töötajad on segistitööstuses hästi kogenud ning neil on rohkem kui 5–10 aastat kogemusi. Igal aastal laseme turule 2–3 uut sarja, et hoida kliente konkurentsist eemal. Saame valmistada spetsiaalselt teie jaoks kohandatud tooteid; lisateabe saamiseks võtke meiega ühendust. Q5. Kas teie tehas saab toota madala pliisisaldusega segisti? V: Jah, me saame toota ka madala pliisisaldusega segisti vastavalt teie pliisisalduse nõudele. K6. Kuidas oleks segmenteeritud klientidega? V: Ketipoed, 50%; hulgimüüjad, 20%; tootjad, 20%; ehituspakkujad, 10%. Q7. Kuidas oleks praegune turujaotus V: Euroopa, 70%; Aasia ja Vaikse ookeani piirkond, 15%; Põhja-Ameerika, 10%; mitmesugused, 5%. Q8.Kuidas on teie tehase tootmisvõimsus? V: Minkangi tehases on täielik tootmisliin, sealhulgas gravitatsioonivalu liin, töötlusliin, poleerimisliin ja kokkupanekuliin. Saame valmistada tooteid kuni 3000 tk nädalas. Kui olete meie toodetest huvitatud, võtke meiega kõhklemata lisateabe saamiseks ühendust. Vastame teile niipea, kui oleme teie päringu kätte saanud. Minkang Otsin teie koostööle eessõna.
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