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product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-42

Vit mixer tal-kċina

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iswed matt SUS304 azzar li ma jissaddadx Hot u Cold gooseneck single-lever Mixer Tap Pull Out sink Kitchen Faucet Mixer Tap

Deskrizzjoni tal-prodott

Deskrizzjoni tal-prodott
Isem tal-Prodott
S.S304 Vit tal-mixer tal-kċina
S.S304 korp
Skartoċċ taċ-ċeramika ta '35mm
S.S304 Manka flessibbli
Finitura sewda matta
Piż tal-faucet
1 Set
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-55
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-56
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-57
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-58
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-59
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-60
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-61
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-62
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-63
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-64
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-65
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-66
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-67
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-68
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-69
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-70
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-71
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-72
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-73
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-74
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-75
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-76
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-77
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-78
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-79
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-80
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-81
Profil tal-Kumpanija
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-82
Mingkang jinsab fil-Baħar taċ-Ċina tal-Lvant, Żona Jiaojiang, Taizhou, Zhejiang, iċ-Ċina u stabbilit fl-1998, li huwa wieħed mill-esportaturi ewlenin għal prodotti ta 'oġġetti sanitarji, Aħna jispeċjalizzaw fil-produzzjoni u l-bejgħ ta' faucets varji bħal kaskata, banju termostatiku espost u moħbi u doċċa. faucet, kolonni tad-doċċa, viti tal-baċin u viti tal-kċina b'linja ta 'produzzjoni sħiħa inkluża Gravity Casting Line, Machining Line, Linja tal-illustrar u Assemblaġġ line.Mingkang jistgħu jfornu l-prodotti ta 'kwalità tajba għas-suq. Aktar minn 20 sena xogħol iebes, aħna kisbu r-reputazzjoni tajba fis-suq, bħall-Ġermanja, Franza, Polonja, Spanja, Italja, Olanda, Greċja eċċ. Il-missjoni tagħna hija li nipprovdu l-aħjar servizz lill-klijenti tagħna u nikkonċentraw fuq il-bini ta 'sħubija fit-tul mal-klijenti tagħna li twassalna biex noħolqu sitwazzjoni fejn kulħadd jirbaħ kulħadd. Aħna impenjati li npoġġu lill-klijenti tagħna bħala l-ewwel prijorità, billi nipprovdu prodotti ta 'kwalità għolja, integrità, onestà u responsabbiltà fin-negozju dinji tagħna. Aħna nilqgħu l-imsieħba tan-negozju biex jiġu magħna għal benefiċċju reċiproku!
Uri Kamra
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-83
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-84
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-85
Proċess ta 'Produzzjoni
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-86
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-87
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-88
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-89
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-90
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-91
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-92
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-93
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-94
Mgħammar b'magni u faċilitajiet avvanzati, bħal magni tal-ikkastjar tal-gravità, magni tal-ikkastjar bi pressjoni baxxa u ċentri importati tal-magni CNC, Mingkang waqqfet linji ta 'produzzjoni professjonali b'magni u superviżjoni manwali. Jopera minn ġestjoni tal-produzzjoni standardizzata, flowchart industrijali xjentifika u kontroll strett tal-kwalità f'kull proċedura, Mingkang kienet speċjalizzata fil-produzzjoni ta 'kull biċċa ta' prodotti ta 'kwalità premium.
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-95
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-96
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-97
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-98
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-99
Il-prodotti Mingkang ġew iċċertifikati li jikkonformaw ma 'ċertifikazzjonijiet madwar id-dinja bħal ACS, DVGW, KTW, WRAS.
Ippakkjar u Kunsinna
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-100
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-101
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-102
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-103
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-104
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-105
Biex tkun żgurata aħjar is-sigurtà ta 'l-oġġetti tiegħek, jiġu pprovduti servizzi ta' ppakkjar professjonali, favur l-ambjent, konvenjenti u effiċjenti.
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-106
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-107
Q1. Għandek tittestja l-oġġetti kollha tiegħek qabel il-kunsinna? A: Iva, għandna sistema ta 'kontroll tal-kwalità biex niżguraw li l-prodotti kkonsenjati perfetti. Q2. Kif tagħmel in-negozju tagħna fit-tul u relazzjoni tajba? A:1. It-tim tad-disinn internazzjonali tagħna jkompli jaġġorna d-disinji biex imexxi s-suq kollu. 2. Aħna nżommu kwalità tajba, u prezz kompetittiv biex niżguraw li l-klijenti tagħna jibbenefikaw Q3. X'inhu l-ħin taċ-ċomb? A: Normalment huwa 10-30 jum wara d-depożitu skont il-kwantità tal-ordni tiegħek. Q4.Il-fabbrika tiegħek għandha l-kapaċitajiet tad-disinn u l-iżvilupp, għandna bżonn il-prodotti personalizzati? L-istaff fid-dipartiment tal-R&D tagħna għandu esperjenza tajba fl-industrija tal-faucet, b'aktar minn 5 sa 10 snin esperjenza. Kull sena, se nniedu 2 sa 3 serje ġodda biex inżommu l-klijenti fi stadju kompetittiv. Nistgħu nagħmlu prodotti personalizzati speċjalment għalik; jekk jogħġbok ġentilment ikkuntattjana għal aktar dettalji. Q5.Can il-fabbrika tiegħek tipproduċi l-faucet b'ċomb baxx? A: Iva, Aħna wkoll nistgħu nipproduċu l-faucet b'ċomb baxx skont il-ħtieġa tiegħek ta 'kontenut taċ-ċomb. Q6. Kif dwar il-klijenti segmentati? A:Katina ta 'ħwienet, 50%; bejjiegħa bl-ingrossa, 20%; manifatturi, 20%; fornituri tal-kostruzzjoni, 10%. Q7.How dwar id-distribuzzjoni kurrenti tas-suq A: Ewropa, 70%; Asja-Paċifiku, 15%; Amerika ta 'Fuq, 10%; mixxellanji, 5%. Q8.How hija l-kapaċità tal-produzzjoni tal-fabbrika tiegħek? A: Fabbrika Mingkang għandha linja ta 'produzzjoni sħiħa inkluża Gravity Casting Line, Machining Line, Polishing Line u Assembling line.We jistgħu jimmanifatturaw prodotti sa 3000 pcs fil-ġimgħa. Jekk inti interessat fil-prodotti tagħna, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattjana għal aktar informazzjoni mingħajr ma taħsibha darbtejn. Aħna nwieġbuk hekk kif nirċievu l-inkjesta tiegħek. Mingkang Infittxu forword għall-kooperazzjoni tiegħek.

It-tim ta’ ħbiberija tagħna jħobb jisma’ mingħandek!

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