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product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-42

Kuhinjska mešalna pipa

Domov >  Izdelki >  Kuhinjska mešalna pipa

mat črna SUS304 nerjaveče jeklo Toplo in hladno enoročna mešalna pipa z gosjim vratom Izvlečno umivalnik Kuhinjska pipa Mešalna pipa Slovenija

opis izdelka

opis izdelka
Naziv izdelka
S.S304 Kuhinjska mešalna pipa
Telo S.S304
35 mm keramična kartuša
S.S304 Fleksibilna cev
Mat črna barva
Teža pipe
1 Set
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-55
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-56
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-57
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-58
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-59
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-60
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-61
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-62
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-63
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-64
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-65
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-66
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-67
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-68
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-69
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-70
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-71
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-72
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-73
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-74
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-75
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-76
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-77
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-78
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-79
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-80
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-81
predstavitev podjetja
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-82
Mingkang se nahaja v Vzhodnokitajskem morju, na območju Jiaojiang, Taizhou, Zhejiang, Kitajska in je bil ustanovljen leta 1998 in je eden vodilnih izvoznikov izdelkov za sanitarno opremo. Specializirani smo za izdelavo in prodajo različnih pip, kot so slap, izpostavljena in skrita termostatska kad in tuš pipe, tuš stebri, pipe za umivalnik in kuhinjske pipe s celotno proizvodno linijo, vključno z Linija gravitacijskega litja, obdelovalna linija, polirna linija in montažna linija. Mingkang lahko na trg dobavi kakovostne izdelke. Več kot 20 let trdega dela smo pridobili dober ugled na trgu, kot so Nemčija, Francija, Poljska, Španija, Italija, Nizozemska, Grčija itd. Naše poslanstvo je zagotoviti najboljše storitve našim strankam in se osredotočiti na izgradnjo dolgoročnega partnerstva z našimi strankami, kar nas vodi k ustvarjanju zmagovalnega situacijo. Zavezani smo, da naše stranke postavimo na prvo mesto z zagotavljanjem visokokakovostnih izdelkov, integritete, poštenosti in odgovornosti v našem svetovnem poslovanju. Pozdravljamo poslovne partnerje, da pridejo z nami v obojestransko korist!
Show Room
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-83
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-84
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-85
Proces produkcije
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-86
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-87
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-88
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-89
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-90
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-91
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-92
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-93
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-94
Opremljen z naprednimi stroji in napravami, kot so stroji za gravitacijsko litje, stroji za nizkotlačno litje in uvoženi CNC obdelovalni centri, je Mingkang postavil profesionalne proizvodne linije s stroji in ročnim nadzorom. Mingkang, ki deluje s standardiziranim vodenjem proizvodnje, znanstvenim industrijskim diagramom poteka in strogim nadzorom kakovosti v vsakem postopku, je specializiran za proizvodnjo vsakega kosa izdelkov vrhunske kakovosti.
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-95
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-96
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-97
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-98
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-99
Izdelki Mingkang so certificirani za skladnost s svetovnimi certifikati, kot so ACS, DVGW, KTW, WRAS.
Pakiranje in dostava
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-100
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-101
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-102
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-103
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-104
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-105
Za boljše zagotavljanje varnosti vašega blaga bodo zagotovljene profesionalne, okolju prijazne, priročne in učinkovite embalažne storitve.
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-106
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-107
Pogosta Vprašanja
Q1. Ali preizkusite vse svoje blago pred dostavo? O: Da, imamo sistem nadzora kakovosti, da zagotovimo popolno dostavo izdelkov. V2. Kako poskrbite, da bo naš posel dolgoročen in dober odnos? A:1. Naša mednarodna oblikovalska ekipa nenehno posodablja dizajne, da bi vodila na celotnem trgu. 2. Ohranjamo dobro kakovost in konkurenčno ceno, da zagotovimo koristi našim strankam Q3. Kakšen je dobavni rok? O: Običajno je 10-30 dni po pologu, odvisno od količine vašega naročila. V4. Ali ima vaša tovarna zmožnosti oblikovanja in razvoja, potrebujemo izdelke po meri? Osebje v našem oddelku za raziskave in razvoj ima veliko izkušenj v industriji pip, z več kot 5 do 10 let izkušenj. Vsako leto bomo dali na trg 2 do 3 nove serije, da preprečimo kupce v konkurenčni fazi. Posebej za vas lahko izdelamo izdelke po meri; prosim kontaktirajte nas za več podrobnosti. V5. Ali lahko vaša tovarna proizvaja pipo z nizko vsebnostjo svinca? O: Da, izdelamo lahko tudi pipo z nizko vsebnostjo svinca glede na vaše zahteve glede vsebnosti svinca. V6. Kaj pa segmentacija strank? O: Trgovinske verige, 50 %; veletrgovci, 20 %; proizvajalci, 20 %; ponudniki gradbenih del, 10 %. V7. Kaj pa trenutna distribucija trga O: Evropa, 70 %; Azija-Pacifik, 15 %; Severna Amerika, 10 %; razno, 5 %. V8. Kakšna je vaša tovarniška proizvodna zmogljivost? O: Tovarna Mingkang ima celotno proizvodno linijo, vključno z gravitacijsko linijo, linijo za strojno obdelavo, linijo za poliranje in linijo za sestavljanje. Izdelujemo lahko do 3000 kosov na teden. Če vas zanimajo naši izdelki, nas kontaktirajte za dodatne informacije brez oklevanja. Odgovorili vam bomo takoj, ko prejmemo vaše povpraševanje. Mingkang Iščem predgovor za vaše sodelovanje.

Naša prijazna ekipa bi vas rada slišala!

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