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product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-42

Keran mixer dapur

imah >  produk >  Keran mixer dapur

matte hideung SUS304 stainless steel Panas sareng Tiis gooseneck tunggal-uas mixer Ketok Tarik kaluar tilelep Dapur Keran Mixer Ketok

Panjelasan Produk

Panjelasan Produk
Ngaran Produk
S.S304 Kitchen mixer tap
S.S304 body
35mm cartridge keramik
S.S304 selang fléksibel
Matte finish hideung
Beurat Keran
1 siapkeun
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-55
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-56
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-57
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-58
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-59
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-60
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-61
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-62
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-63
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-64
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-65
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-66
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-67
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-68
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-69
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-70
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-71
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-72
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-73
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-74
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-75
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-76
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-77
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-78
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-79
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-80
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-81
Propil Company
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-82
Mingkang aya di Laut Cina Wétan, Wewengkon Jiaojiang, Taizhou, Zhejiang, Cina & ngadeg taun 1998, nu mangrupa salah sahiji eksportir ngarah pikeun produk Saniter ware, Urang ngahususkeun dina nyieun jeung ngajual rupa faucets kayaning curug, kakeunaan & concealed thermostatic mandi & pancuran. keran, kolom pancuran, taps baskom jeung taps dapur kalayan garis produksi pinuh kaasup Gravitasi Casting Line, Machining Line, Polishing Line sarta Assembling line.Mingkang bisa nyadiakeun produk kualitas alus mun market.More ti 20 taun gawé teuas, urang geus meunang alus. reputasi di pasar, kayaning Jérman, Perancis, Polandia, Spanyol, Italia, Netherland, Yunani jeung sajabana. kaayaan win-win. Kami komitmen pikeun nempatkeun konsumén urang salaku prioritas kahiji, ku nyadiakeun produk kualitas luhur, integritas, kajujuran jeung akuntabilitas dina bisnis sakuliah dunya urang. Urang ngabagéakeun mitra bisnis datangna kalawan kami pikeun kapentingan silih!
Tembongkeun Room
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-83
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-84
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-85
Prosés produksi
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-86
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-87
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-88
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-89
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-90
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-91
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-92
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-93
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-94
Dilengkepan mesin canggih tur fasilitas, kayaning mesin gravitasi casting,-tekanan low mesin casting sarta diimpor puseur machining CNC, Mingkang geus nyetél garis produksi profésional kalayan mesin sarta pangawasan manual. Operasi ku manajemén produksi standardized, flowchart industri ilmiah sarta kadali kualitas ketat dina unggal prosedur, Mingkang geus husus dina ngahasilkeun unggal sapotong produk kualitas premium.
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-95
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-96
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-97
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-98
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-99
produk Mingkang geus Certified mun akur jeung certifications sakuliah dunya kayaning ACS, DVGW, KTW, WRAS.
Pakét & Pangiriman
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-100
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-101
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-102
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-103
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-104
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-105
Pikeun langkung aman mastikeun kasalametan barang anjeun, profésional, ramah lingkungan, jasa bungkusan anu saé sareng efisien bakal disayogikeun.
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-106
product matte black sus304 stainless steel hot and cold   gooseneck single lever mixer tap pull out  sink  kitchen faucet mixer tap-107
Q1. Anjeun nguji sakabeh barang anjeun méméh pangiriman? A: Sumuhun, urang boga sistem kontrol kualitas pikeun mastikeun produk dikirimkeun sampurna. Q2. Kumaha anjeun ngadamel bisnis urang jangka panjang sareng hubungan anu saé? A: 1. Tim desain internasional kami terus ngamutahirkeun desain pikeun mingpin pasar sadayana. 2. Urang tetep kualitas alus, sarta harga kalapa pikeun mastikeun kauntungan konsumén urang Q3. Naon waktos kalungguhan? A: Biasana nyaéta 10-30 dinten saatos deposit gumantung kana kuantitas pesenan anjeun. Q4.Does pabrik anjeun boga rarancang jeung ngembangkeun kamampuhan, urang kudu produk ngaropéa? Staf di departemen R&D kami parantos ngalaman dina industri keran, kalayan pangalaman langkung ti 5 dugi ka 10 taun. Unggal taun, kami bakal ngaluncurkeun 2 ka 3 séri énggal pikeun ngajaga para nasabah dina tahap kalapa. Urang bisa nyieun produk ngaropéa hususna keur anjeun; mangga ngahubungan kami pikeun leuwih rinci. Q5.Can pabrik anjeun ngahasilkeun keran low-lead? A: Sumuhun, Urang ogé bisa ngahasilkeun keran low-lead nurutkeun sarat anjeun eusi kalungguhan. Q6. Kumaha ngeunaan konsumén segmented? A: toko ranté, 50%; grosir, 20%; pabrik, 20%; panyadia konstruksi, 10%. Q7.How ngeunaan distribusi pasar Ayeuna A: Éropa, 70%; Asia-Pasifik, 15%; Amérika Kalér, 10%; rupa-rupa, 5%. Q8.How nyaéta kamampuan produksi pabrik anjeun? A: pabrik Mingkang ngabogaan garis produksi Full kaasup Gravitasi Casting Line, Machining Line, Polishing Line na Assembling line.We bisa rancang produk nepi ka 3000 PCS per minggu. Upami anjeun kabetot dina produk urang, mangga ngahubungi kami kanggo inpormasi langkung lengkep tanpa ragu. Kami bakal ngabales anjeun pas kami nampi patarosan anjeun. Mingkang Pilari forword kana gawé babarengan anjeun.
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